TechNeofiliacPublished on 13 Apr 2020Last edited on 12 May 2024

Consumers: Find, Follow, & Collect Your Innovators (Companies)

Post Banner for Consumers: Find, Follow, & Collect Your Innovators (Companies)
Neofiliac lists and welcomes all companies with innovative products. Business users can and are encouraged to claim their account, publish original articles, and add new products. With seamless integration between articles, products, companies, industries, and keywords, consumers can find new products that interests them more readily.

Find Your Next Company

On the Company page, you are greeted with the latest companies listed on Neofiliac. You can use the Load More button to access older listings, provided that they exist.
To refine the results, Neofiliac offers four instruments:
1. At the top, you can filter listed companies by Industry. Optionally, you can choose to order companies by the average User Ratings or the amount of Likes that each has received.
Companies can be filtered and searched by Industry and ordered per your need
Companies can be filtered and searched by Industry and ordered per your need
2. You can access companies via the Keyword pages. This way, only companies containing this specific keyword is included.
3. When you are going over Article and Product listings, you can find related companies either in the cards or in the metadata sections.
4. Last but not least, you can conduct a Search using either the search bar atop each page or on the Company page. The top search bar will search the entire Neofiliac site for articles, companies, and products; in comparison, the search bar on the Company page will directly filter for company results. On the Company page for each Industry, an additional filter for the industry is applied.
Company name, keywords, and company descriptions are searchable. We do not index user comments.
Please note that the company lists are cached and updated every ten (10) minutes, while search indexing is updated every twenty (20) minutes.

Company Cards

Catalogues on Neofiliac utilizes the card format. A company card contains the industry of the company and a short description under the company's name. Average user ratings are displayed at the bottom of each card.

Get More Out of Each Company Listing

Metadata & Actions

At the top of each company listing is the metadata section. Here, you can find its industry, official website, and other details at the top. The average user rating is also presented here. Below, you can find the Filiac, Like, and Share buttons; the use of the first two are exclusive to registered users. At the bottom, a list of keywords related to this company is listed.
The top half of each company listing includes the Metadata, Company Description, and Review Scores
The top half of each company listing includes the Metadata, Company Description, and Review Scores

Company Products

Towards the bottom of a company listing, there are four additional sections for linked contents. The latest products by the company constitute the first. The same product cards as shown in other product listings are used. If more products exists than can be shown in this section, a "See More" link appears.

Company Articles

Under company products are the latest articles written about the company. A slightly different article card than used elsewhere is shown, substituting the name of the company with the type of the article. If more articles exists than can be shown in this section, a "See More" link appears.
The lower half of each company listing includes Products and Articles of each Company as well as community-sourced info
The lower half of each company listing includes Products and Articles of each Company as well as community-sourced info

User Reviews

All registered users can leave a user review for each company. Your ratings may determine the ranking of the companies. Users are encouraged to provide detailed information and optionally include an image with each review. Top reviews (most liked by our users) are summarized under the metadata, while additional reviews can be found under the company articles section. When additional reviews exist than can be displayed in this section, a "See All Reviews" link appears.


The June 2020 update introduced the Comments section, which is enriched in the July 2020 update with Video Embed functionality.


In June 2020, a new comment section has been added to all companies. To read more about this update, please refer to this article.
In July 2020, search function for companies have been enhanced. Numerous UI improvements and new features are introduced. For more details, please refer to this article.

Article Gallery

Photo 1for post Consumers: Find, Follow, & Collect Your Innovators (Companies)Photo 2for post Consumers: Find, Follow, & Collect Your Innovators (Companies)Photo 3for post Consumers: Find, Follow, & Collect Your Innovators (Companies)Photo 4for post Consumers: Find, Follow, & Collect Your Innovators (Companies)

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