Products by Neofiliac


Neofiliac is the hub for new-product-enthusiasts (neophiliacs) to find, review, and connect with innovators.
Cutting out the middle man in online marketing and sales (traditional e-commerce), Neofiliac also allows innovators to publicize and sell products, services, and technologies directly for free.

Background: The Importance of Voice

Neofiliac is conceived in a new stage of globalization marked by accelerated digitalization and continued concentration of influence in the digital world. In this context, voice is essential for the success of a business.
However, paid media, social media, and search ranking, etc. monetize their audiences like commodities; unscrupulous players abuse their monopolistic positions. Consumers get the short end of the stick: they are easily misled, and the anti-competitive practices of big players destroy businesses, thereby limiting the choice that consumers have access to.

The Solution: Neofiliac

Neofiliac gives innovators voice and control. As a new form of open marketing platform, products, articles, and companies are ranked not on a “pay-to-play” basis. Instead, all innovators have equal opportunities: they are ranked on user ratings, newness, and parameterized searches; registered consumers can also receive matching results to their personal interests. Innovators directly control the message they send out to the consumers, and they receive traffic from Neofiliac so that they can sell their own products themselves.
Neofiliac gives innovators voice and control. As a new form of open marketing platform, products, articles, and companies are ranked not on a “pay-to-play” basis. Instead, all innovators have equal opportunities: they are ranked on user ratings, newness, and parameterized searches; registered consumers can also receive matching results to their personal interests. Innovators directly control the message they send out to the consumers, and they receive traffic from Neofiliac so that they can sell their own products themselves.


95% average score for brand's products.


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Neofiliac Website
  • Free to use
  • Comprehensive product listing
  • AI-powered product analytics
· 96% ·

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