TechNeofiliacPublished on 23 Mar 2021Last edited on 12 May 2024

Rundown Comes to Neofiliac: Introducing NLP-Based Review Curator

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Rundown is the latest feature to join Neofiliac: Complementing Neoscore and Neoanalyzer unveiled in the past weeks, it is the last of a trio of deep learning-based functionalities engineered to aid consumers.
Like Neoscore and Neoanalyzer, Rundown leverages the latest techniques in Natural Language Processing (NLP). It curates third-party reviews for popular products and presents them together with outputs of Neoscore and Neoanalyzer in a new type of articles organized under Review.
Link to Rundown articles can be found on product detail pages
Link to Rundown articles can be found on product detail pages

Why Rundown?

Numerous expert reviews are often published on a popular product. While each potentially brings a different perspective, it can be taxing for consumers to peruse them all. Rundown is designed to extract summaries and key takeaways from thirds-party expert reviews and present them in an easy-to-follow format. Naturally, link to each original article is included.
At the same time, less popular products may be entertained by few expert reviewers. In this case, Rundown acts as a collector that finds reputable sources and presents their reviews in the same format.
Rundown articles are organized under Article Type: Review
Rundown articles are organized under Article Type: Review

What's Next?

In the coming weeks, we will increase the number of sources that Rundown covers. This will allow it to produce curated review lists for a higher percentage of less popular products.

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