TechNeofiliacPublished on 06 Feb 2021Last edited on 12 May 2024

Related Products Section Added to Product Pages on Neofiliac

Post Banner for Related Products Section Added to Product Pages on Neofiliac
Neofiliac has added a Related Products section to Product pages with direct comparison links this week. For products to which information in this section is available, Related Products replaces the Discover More section from before.
The "Related Products" section now among the further details on the product pages
The "Related Products" section now among the further details on the product pages

What Motivated This Update?

The "Discovery More" section from before dynamically loads the latest products in each industry. However, they are often less relevant than products that are closely related to each product, be it in the same product line or as direct competitors. With the Related Products section, our users can now navigate these products more easily; they can also launch product comparisons easily.
The "Related Products" section also finds its way to Product Comparison pages
The "Related Products" section also finds its way to Product Comparison pages
In the same vein, the Related Products section also finds its way to Product Comparison pages: When there is only one product selected, products related to it are listed to make it easy to add the most pertinent products to the comparison.

Upcoming Updates

A new product rating feature that leverages Natural Language Processing (NLP) is being rolled out in the coming days. More information is forthcoming.

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