Compare Samyang 21mm F1.4 ED AS UMC CS vs Samyang 10mm F2.8 ED AS NCS CS vs Samyang XP 14mm F2.4

Samyang 21mm F1.4 ED AS UMC CS

Samyang 10mm F2.8 ED AS NCS CS

Samyang XP 14mm F2.4

Samyang 21mm F1.4 ED AS UMC CS  Samyang 10mm F2.8 ED AS NCS CS  Samyang XP 14mm F2.4


Neofiliac score50%40%40%
  • Bright maximum aperture
  • Very sharp
  • Good color rendition
  • One of the widest rectilinear lens for APS-C
  • Reasonable IQ
  • Bright f/2.8 aperture
  • Great build quality
  • High grade of build
  • Good level of resolution
  • Lacks weather sealing
  • Lacks front filter thread
  • Quite large for just an f/2.4 manual
  • Lacks front filter thread
  • Low maximum magnification
  • Lacks weather sealing


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